Saturday, March 29, 2008

Fourth Assginment

1) By the clown knowing everybodys name that he kills with out asking them what there name is, is an example of a Symbol. This is a symbol because no one can ever know anybodys name with out asking and thats a symbol of fear that is around the nabiorhood.
-"Down here we all float, pretty soon tour friend will float too." This is an example of a metaphore because people canot float, but a think the book is saying that when you are died and are now in hell you dont walk, you float.
-People in the book beat up gay people, kill them, and make fun of them. This symbolizes that people hate gay people and do not want them in there town.

2)These elements that I found in the book each have a reason and job for a place in the book. The first element I choose tells me that the clown knows who he is going to kill and has a good reason why he's going to do what he does. The second elements job is to get the kids to come to him and make it seem good down where the clown is at so he can kill them. The third elements job is that the reason why the clown kills people is that maybe because the way people treat the gay people.

3) Im do not know what the project of my book is so far.

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